Umsóknir um sumarstörf á Selasetrinu

Umsóknir um sumarstörf á Selasetrinu þurfa að berast fyrir 18. mars.

Við óskum eftir glaðværu og þjónustulunduðu fólki með frumkvæðni og góða tungumálakunnáttu til að aðstoða ferðamenn, afgreiða í versluninni, selja inn á safnið, þrífa og ýmislegt annað sem til fellur.

Sendu ferilskrá til Sigurðar Líndal á netfangið viljir þú sækja um. 

Þrefaldur febrúar

Síðastliðið ár var metár í aðsókn hér á Selasetrinu, og þetta ár fer af stað með látum.

Rúmlega þrefalt fleiri gestir sóttu okkur heim nú í febrúar en í sama mánuði í fyrra, okkur til mikillar ánægju.

Nýr deildarstjóri ferðamálarannsóknasviðs




Jessica Faustini Aquino er deildarstjóri ferðamálarannsóknasviðs Selaseturs Íslands og kennari við Hólaskóla ( Hún er með Ph.D. gráðu í samfélagsauð og þróun frá Arizona State University í Bandaríkjunum. Hún er líka með B.S. gráðu í náttúruverndarlíffræði og M.S. gráðu í afþreyingar- og ferðamálafræði. Rannsóknaáhugasvið hennar eru upplifun ferðamennskunnar frá sjónarhól íbúa og ferðamanna, og möguleg áhrif ferðamennsku á samfélagsþróun og varðveislu verndaðra náttúrusvæða.


Ritrýndar greinar


Aquino, J., Phillips, R., & Sung, H. (2012). Tourism, culture, and the creative industries: Reviving distressed neighborhoods with arts-based community tourism. Tourism, Culture & Communication.


White, D. D., Aquino, J. F., Budruk, M., & Golub, A. (2011). Visitors’ experiences of traditional and alternative transportation in Yosemite National Park. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.


Í vinnslu


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (submitted). Sustainable tourism: A look at volunteer tourism in favela communities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Útgefið efni á fagrýndum málstofum 


White, D. D., & Aquino, J. F. (2015). Park-Related Tourism.  Presented at the 106th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2015. In Spring 2015 Town Hall Background Report: Transportation and Arizona. Kuby, M. and Golub (eds.). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.


White, D. D., & Aquino, J. F. (2009). Transportation issues in national parks.  Presented at the 94th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2009. In From here to there: Transportation opportunities for Arizona. Kuby, M. and Golub (eds.). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.


Fagrýnd erindi á ráðstefnum


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2012). NGOs and volunteer tourism: A look at volunteer tourism in favela (slum) communities of Rio de Janeiro.  Presentation at Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, IN, USA.


Aquino, J., Andereck, K., & Costa, H. A. (2012) Perceived impacts of volunteer tourism in favelas of Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Through the eyes of the tourists.  Presentation at the IX Seminário da Associação Nacional Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2012). Sustainable tourism: A look at volunteer tourism in favela communities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presentation at Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Student Research Symposium (and 8th Symposium for TTRA), Virginia Beach, VA, USA.


Aquino, J., Phillips, R., & Sung, H. (2012). Tourism, culture, and the creative industries: Reviving distressed neighborhoods with arts-based community tourism. Paper presented by co-authors Rhonda Phillips and Erika Sung at the University of the West Indies 2nd International Tourism Conference, St. Augustine, Trinidad.


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2011). Perceived effects of volunteer tourism in Rio de Janeiro’s favela community of Rocinha:  Working toward best practice in sustainable tourism. Presentation at Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Student Research Symposium (and 7th Symposium for TTRA), London, Ontario, Canada.


Aquino, J. F., White, D. D., & Meldrum, B. (2008). The Freedom to Stay in My Car: Visitors Experience and the Transportation System in Yosemite National Park. Presentation at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT, USA.


Tæknilegar rannsóknarskýrslur (*höfundar eru í stafrófsröð en lögðu allir jafnt af mörkum)


Phillips, R., Aquino, J., Lee, S., Plunkett, D. (2010). 2010 Hatcher Road Economic Development Plan. Report for the Desert Mission Neighborhood Renewal and the Hatcher Road Subcommittee. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University

*Aquino, J. & Biaett, V. (2010). Working Together: A qualitative analysis of the Arizona Be Outdoors Movement. Report for the Be Outdoors Arizona. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University


Knopf, R. Aquino, J., Lee, S.and Plunkett, D. (2009). Valley of the Sun United Way: Improving the Health and Safety of Valley Neighborhoods.  Report for the Valley of the Sun United Way. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University


White, D. D. & Aquino, J. F. (2008). Visitor perspectives toward transportation issues in Yosemite National Park. Report for Yosemite National Park. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University


White, D. D., van Riper, C. J., Wodrich, J., Aquino, J., & McKinney C. (2007). Canyon de Chelly National Monument Visitor Study Final Technical Report. (Prepared for the National Park Service). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University


Johnson, J., Rice, K., & Aquino, J. (2007). Subcontract for USFWS Section 6 Status Report on Muhlenbergia xerophila and Muhlenbergia dubioides. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Phoenix, AZ: Desert Botanical Garden


Önnur útgáfa


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2014). The Role that Volunteer Tourism in Favela Communities of Rio de Janeiro Play on Community Pride and Self-esteem. Favelas@LSE: A dialogue Between the UK and Brazil. Retrieved from


Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2012). Sustainable tourism and volunteer tourism in favela (slum) communities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The VolunTourist™ Newsletter, 8(2). Retrieved from


Aðrir fyrirlestrar


Aquino, J. (2012). Turismo Sustentável: Turismo voluntário nas favelas de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Presentation for the research group do Laboratório de Estudos em Turismo e Sustentabilidade, Centro de Excelência em Turismo. Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasil


Aquino, J. (2011). Volunteer Tourism: A Debate. Presentation at the lecture series at Fundação Getulio Vargas com o Laboratório de Estudos do Turismo, Esporte e Lazer; do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Aquino, J. (2011). Volunteer Tourism in Rio de Janeiro: Voluntários Sejam Bem-Vindos! Presentation at the 3rd Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J. (2011). NGOs, Volunteer Tourism, and Community Development: A case study of the favela community of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Presentation at the College of Public Programs Doctoral Student Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2011). Efeitos Percebidos do Turismo e do Voluntariado na Favela da Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro: Trabalhar para as melhores práticas em turismo sustentável.  Guest Presentation at the University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil 

Aquino, J. F. (2009). Has risk management killed free play? Presentation at the 1st Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Lee, S., Aquino, J. F., Plunkett, D., Knopf, R., & Paris, C. (2009). Living united: from classroom to community. Presentation at the 1st Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J. F., White, D. D., Bacon, J., & Meldrum, B. (2007). Determining visitor attitudes toward alternative transportation in Yosemite National Park: Implications for indicators and standards.  Poster presentation at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, Utah.





NAMMCO ráðstefna

Sandra Granquist fór á vísindaráðstefnuna Impacts of Human Disturbance on Arctic Marine Mammals sem haldin var á vegum NAMMCO 13-15. október í Kaupmannahöfn. Þar hélt hún erindi sem bar nafnið “Effects of wildlife watching tourism on Arctic marine mammals, with a special note on harbour seal watching in Iceland”. Sandra og hennar teymi hafa siðastliðin ár staðið fyrir umfangsmiklum rannsóknum á áhrifum ferðamennsku á villt dýr, og fjallaði fyrirlesturinn m.a. um niðurstöður þeirra rannsókna.