

(updated March 2018)

Academic research articles- peer reviewed

Larm, M., Angerbjörn, A., Elmhagen, B., and Granquist, S.M. 2017. The role of wildlife tourism in conservation of endangered species: Implications of safari tourism for conservation of the arctic fox in Sweden. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1-16.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M., Burns, G.L. and Angerbjörn, A. 2017. Sealwatching: an evaluation of codes of conduct. Tourism in marine environments 13(1); 1-15. Link to full text

Marschall, S., Graquist, S.M., & Burns, G.L. (2016). Interpretation in Wildlife Tourism: Assessing the effectiveness of signage to modify visitor behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland. Journal for outdoor recreation, Volume (17), 11-19.

Granquist, S.M., & Hauksson, E. (2016). Diet of harbour seals in a salmon estuary in North-West Iceland. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, Volume (29), 7-19. (Link to full text)

Granquist, S.M., & Hauksson, E. (2016). Seasonal, meterological, tidal and diurnal effects on haul-out patterns of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Polar Biology,Volume (39), 1-13.

Granquist, S.M., & Nilsson, P.Å. (2016). Who’s watching whom? –an interdisciplinary approach to the study of seal-watching tourism in Iceland. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume (111), 471-478.

Wheeler-Jones, C., Howlett, C., Seini, M. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Media constructions of Aboriginality: Implications for engagement with coal seam gas development in Australia. Australian Geographer, Volume (46-2), 165-181.

Granquist, S.M. & Sigurjónsdóttir, H. (2014). The effect of land based seal watching tourism on the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume (156), 85-93.

Nilsson, P.Å. (2013). Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces. A Case Study of Regional Push and Pull Factors for Back-Movers in Northern Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Northern Norway. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Volumen (4), 87-94.

Granquist, S.M., Thorhallsdottir, A.G. & Sigurjonsdottir, H. (2012). The effect of stallions on social interactions in domestic and semi feral harems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume (141), 49– 56.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H., Thorhallasdóttir, A.G., Hafthorsdóttir, H.M. & Granquist, S. (2012). The behaviour of stallions in a semi-feral herd in Iceland: time-budgets, home-ranges and interactions. International Journal of Zoology, Volume (2012), 1-7.


Burns, G.L. & Paterson, M. (2014). Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Nilsson, P. Å. (2012). Twenty years of scientification. The Nordic Symposium for Hospitality and Tourism research 1991-2011.Hammerdal Förlag.

 Book chapters

Burns, G.L., Öqvist, E.L., Angerbjörn, A., and Granquist, S. 2018. When the wildlife you watch becomes the food you eat: Exploring moral and ethical dilemmas when consumptive and non-consumptive tourism merge. In Kline, C (ed), Animals, food, and tourism pp. 22-35. Routledge Ethics of tourism: New York.

Burns, G.L. (2015). Ethics in Tourism. Chapter 8 in C.M. Hall, S. Gossling & D. Scott (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability. (1st Ed., pp 117-126). Routledge.

Burns, G.L. (2015). Animals as Tourism Objects: Ethically refocusing relationships between tourists and wildlife. Chapter 3 in K. Markwell (Ed.), Animals and Tourism: Understanding Diverse Relationships.( 1st Ed., pp 44-59) Bristol, Buffalo & Toronto;Channel View Publications.

Ankre, R. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2015). Remote yet Close: The Question of Accessibility in the Faroe Islands. Chapter 7 in G. Baldacchino (Ed.): Archipelago Tourism. Policies and Practicies. (1st Ed., pp 137-146) London & New York; Routledge.

Burns, G.L. & Paterson, M. (2014). Introduction in G. L. Burns & M. Paterson (Ed.), Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. (6th Ed., pp 7-12) Sydney; Sydney University Press.

Burns, G.L. (2014). Animals and Anthropomorphism in the Anthropocene. Chapter 1 in G. L. Burns & M. Paterson (6th Ed., pp3-20), Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. Sydney; Sydney University Press.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2013). The Wild North: Network Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism in a fragile Marine Environment in the Arctic Region. Chapter 8 in D. Müller, L. Lundmark, & R. Lemelin (Ed.), New Issues in Polar Tourism (1st Ed., pp 123-132). New York & London; Heidelberg Springer.

Other papers

Sánchez Cacho, E. & Granquist, S.M. (2011). La foca común, idicadora del impacto del turismo en Islandia [Harbour seals in Iceland; Indications of impacts due to tourism]. Quercus magazine.

Nilsson, P. Å. (2011). Åres genombrott som ett svenskt Davos [Åre break through as a

Swedish Davos]Östersund Jämten, 44-53.

Research reports

Þorbjörnsson,  J.G., Hauksson, E., Sigurðsson, G.M. & Granquist, S.M (2017). Aerial census of the Icelandic harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) population in 2016: Population estimate, trends and current status [Landselstalning 2016: Stofnstærðarmat, sveifl ur og ástand stofns]. Marine and freshwater research in Iceland. Reykjavík. Iceland.

Granquist, S.M. & Hauksson, E. (2016).  Management and status of harbour seal population in Iceland 2016: Catches, population assessments and current knowledge (Report No. VSMT/16024). Hvammstangi; Iceland: Veiðimálastofnun. (Link to full text)

Granquist, S.M. & Hauksson, E. (2016).  Status of the Icelandic grey seal population in Iceland. NAMMCO. SC/23/CSWG/12. 8p.

Burns, G.L. & Haraldsdóttir, L. (2016). Potential Effects of Proposed Power Plants on tourism in Skagafjörður, Iceland. Report for the Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources. Hólar University Press. Iceland.

Helgadóttir, G., Einarsdóttir, A.V., Gunnarsdóttir, G.Þ., Matthíasdóttir, J.M.E. & Burns, G.L. (2016). Félagsleg áhrif ferðaþjónustu (Report No. 4). Áfangaskýrsla 4: Reykjavik, Iceland: Icelandic Tourist Board.

Helgadóttir, G., Einarsdóttir, A.V., Gunnarsdóttir, G.Þ., Matthíasdóttir, J.M.E. & Burns, G.L. (2016). Félagsleg áhrif ferðaþjónustu (Report No. 3). Áfangaskýrsla 3: Ísafjörður, Iceland: Icelandic Tourist Board.

Granquist, S.M., Hauksson, E. & Stefánsson, T. (2015). Landselatalning árið 2014 -Notkun Cessna yfirþekju flugvélar, þyrilvængju og ómannaðs loftfars (flygildi) við talningu landsela úr lofti (Repost No. VMST/15002). Hvammstangi, Iceland:Veiðimálastofnun. Skýrsla til Veiðimálastofnunnar.

Helgadóttir, G., Einarsdóttir, A.V., Gunnarsdóttir, G.Þ., Matthíasdóttir, J.M.E. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Félagsleg áhrif ferðaþjónustu (Report No. 2). Áfangaskýrsla 2: Húsavík, Iceland: Icelandic Tourist Board.

Burns, G.L. (2015). Tourism Report in relation to proposed Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1280/41 Mangles Bay Marina. Perth, Australia; Western Australian Planning Commission Report prepared for Hands Off Point Peron Inc. (HOPP), November 2015.

Gunnarsdóttir, G.Þ., Helgadóttir, G., Matthíasdóttir, J.M.E. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Félagsleg áhrif ferðaþjónustu (Report No. 1) Áfangaskýrsla 1: Hella, Iceland: Icelandic Tourist Board.

Granquist, S.M (2014). Hvítanes selaskoðunarstaður: Úttekt á hugsanleg áhrif á hegðun og útbreiðslu sela vegna uppbyggingar selskoðunarstaðs. Nóvember 2014. Unnið fyrir verkefnið Hvítanes á Skötufirði.

Hauksson, E., Ólafsson, H.G. & Granquist, S.M. (2014). Talning útselskópa úr lofti haustið 2012 (Report No. VMST/1450). Hvammstangi, Iceland: Veiðimálastofnun. Skýrsla til Veiðimálastofnunnar. Október 2014 VMST/14050

Granquist, S.M. (2014). Ummerki eftir sel á veiddum laxfiskum í völdum laxveiðiám í Húnaþingi vestra og Austur-Húnavatnssýslu [Injuries from seal on caught salmonids in selected rivers in Húnaþingi vestra og Austur-Húnavatnssýslu, Iceland] (Report No. VMST/14019). Reykjavík, Iceland: Institute of freshwater fisheries.

Granquist, S.M & Hauksson, E. (2013). Selatalningin mikla. Niðurstöður 2007-2012 [The great seal count. Results 2007-2012] (Report No. VMST/13001). Reykjavík, Iceland; Institute of freshwater fisheries.

Nilsson, P.Å. (2012). Tourist background and local acceptance. A case study of  tourists in Northern Iceland. Akureyri, Iceland: Icelandic Tourism Research Centre.

Granquist, S.M., Hauksson, E., Árnadóttir, A.B. & Kasper, J. (2011). Landselstalning úr lofti árið 2011. Framvinda og niðurstöður [Aerial survey of the Icelandic harbour seal population] (Report No. VMST/11051). Reykavík, Iceland: Institute of freshwater fisheries.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). The Wild North: The behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina); How do tourists affect the seals? Annual Report for The Wild North (Report No. 0201). Hvammstangi, Iceland: Veiðimálastofnun/Selasetur Íslands.

Granquist, S.M. (2008). Hegðun og útbreiðsla landsela (Phoca vitulina) í návist ferðamanna; Hafa ferðamenn áhrif á seli? [Behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in presence of tourists: Do tourists affect the seals?]  In: Áhrif ferðamanna á atferli villtra dýra [The effect of tourists on the behaviour of wild animals]. A project in three parts, sponsored by the Icelandic innovation fond for students, September 2008.

PhD, master and bachelor theses supervised by researchers at the Icelandic Seal Center

Larm, M. (2016). Effects of tourism on the Fennoscandian Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus): can tourism be used as a tool in the conservation of an endangered species? (MSc thesis). Department of Zoology of Stockholm University. Stockholm. Sweden.

Lilja, E.Ö. (2016). Tourism, hunting, conservation & management of marine mammals in Iceland (MSc thesis). Department of Zoology of Stockholm University. Stockholm. Sweden.

Clack, G. (2016). Harbour seal distribution in Iceland and the impact of the wildlife watching boat on seal behaviour in Miðfjörður (MSc thesis). University Centre of the Westfjords ogUniversity of Akureyri. Ísafjörður. Iceland.

Thorstensen, E. (2016). Comparative analysis of the effects of large scale industry on tourism business in Skagafjordur, Iceland (MSc thesis). Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Switzerland.

Treadwell, M. (2015-ogoing). Valuing Flying Foxes: education, attitudes and impacts (MSc thesis). Griffith University. Australia.

Jakobsdóttir, A.M. (2015). Social Sustainability of Tourism in East Iceland. (BAc thesis). Hólar University Collage. Hólar. Iceland.

Marschall, S. (2015). Interpretation in Wildlife Tourism: Assessing the effectiveness of signage to modify visitor’s behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland (MSc thesis). University Centre of the Westfjords of University of Akureyri. Ísafjörður. Iceland.

Thorbjonsson, J. (2015). Anthropogenic impacts of SCUBA Divers in the Silfra freshwater fissure (MSc Thesis). Hólar University Collage. Hólar. Iceland.

Lilja, E.Ö. (2014).  An evaluation of codes of conduct for seal watching worldwide (BS thesis). Department of Zoology of Stockholm University. Stockholm. Sweden.

Legatelois, M. (2014). Interactions between environments, stakeholders and tourists at Latrabjarg cliff, Iceland (MSc thesis). University Center of the Westfiords of University of Akureyri.  Ísafjörður. Iceland.

Erian, I.S. (2013-ongoing). The impact of knowledge about livestock production systems on attitudes and behavior towards animals. (MSc thesis). University of Queensland. Australia.

Lewis, P. (2013-ongoing). An Investigation into Human-Wildlife Co-existence and management plans concerning Dingoes and Coyotes (PhD thesis). Griffith University. Nathan. Australia.

Kunde, M.  (2013-ongoing). Ex-situ and In-situ Conservation Approach for the Malayan Sun Bear (PhD thesis). Griffith University. Nathan. Australia.

Healy, S. (2011-ongoing). Australian Consumers’ Knowledge of Animal Agricultural Practices (PhD thesis). Griffith University. Nathan. Australia.

Conference proceedings

Burns, G.L. & Granquist, S. (2014). Codes of Conduct: Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas. In: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Tallin, Estonia. August 2014. Pp80-81.

Burns, G.L. (2014). Animals and Tourism: An ethical scrutiny of relationships between tourists and wildlife. In: ISAZ 2014 – Animals and Humans Together: Integration in Society. Vienna, Austria. July 2014. Pp222.

Lewis, P.M., Burns, G.L., Jones, D. & Smart, J. (2014). Human Coyote Co-existence and Innovative Management Options. In: ISAZ 2014 – Animals and Humans Together: Integration in Society. Vienna, Austria. July 2014. Pp140.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2011). Wild life tourism – a matter of interdisciplinary concern? The case of interaction between harbor seals and tourists. In Sustainabel tourism conference. Savonlinna, Finland. October 2011. Pp 11.

Granquist, S.M & Nilsson, P. Å. (2010). Harmony between man and nature. The case of seal watching at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. In Solutions on Harmonising Sustainability and Nature Protection with Socio-Economic Stability. Vidzeme, Lavia. August, 2010.

Nilsson, P., Víglundsdóttir, H. Ý. & Granquist, S.M (2010). The Wild North – network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the Arctic Region. Tourism, people and Protected Areas. In Polar Wilderness 2nd International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference. Abisko, Sweden. June 2010.

Granquist, S.M & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Samvera sela og ferðamanna á Vatnsnesi- hver er að skoða hvern? [Seals and tourists on Vatnsnes peninsula- who is watching whom?].In Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M. (2010) Hegðun hrossa í Húnavatnssýslum.[The behaviour of horses in West- and East Hunathing]. In Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Granquist, S.M. (2010). Rannsóknir á áhrif sela á laxfiska í árósum [Studying the effect of seals on salmonids in river mouths]. In Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P. Å.  (2010). Interaction Between Seals and Tourists at Vatnsnes peninsula-who´s watching whom? In Fræðaþingi landbúnaðarins [Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress]. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2010.

Granquist, S.M., Sigurjonsdottir, H. & Thorhallsdottir, A.G. (2009). Félagshegðun hrossa í stóðhestahólfum [Social behaviour of horses in groups including a stallion]. In Fræðaþing landbúnaðarinns [Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress]. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2009.

Granquist, S.M, Sigurjonsdottir, H. & Thorhallsdottir, A.G. (2008). Social structure and interactions within groups of horses containing a stallion. In International Equine Science Meeting. Regensburg, Germany. October 2008.

Presentations at international conferences

Seal Watching Tourism in the Vatnsnes Peninsula: Identifying the Need for Future Management Actions. 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism Destinations. Reykjavík, Iceland, October 2017. Aquino, J. and Granquist, S.

Status of the harbour seal and grey seal population in Iceland. ICES Working Group for Marine Mammal Ecology. St:Andrews, UK, February 2017. Granquist, S.M.

Granquist, S.M. (2016). Temporal changes in harbour and grey seal diet in Iceland. In 2nd NOS-HS exploratory workshop on “Human Seal Interrelations: exploratory workshops on faunal history and exploitation of seals in Northern Europe”. Hvammstangi, Iceland. September 2016.

Burns, L., Marschall, S. & Granquist, S.M. (2016). Seeing Seal Signs: Using interpretation to modify visitor behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland. In Wildlife Tourism Australia Conference. Adelaide, Australia. November 2016.

Lilja, E.Ö., Granquist, S.M & Angerbjörn, A. (2016). Do tourists really care about the animals they watch? In Tourism naturally conference 2016. Alghero, Italy. October 2016.

Burns, G.L., Lilja, E.Ö. & Granquist, S.M. (2016). When the wildlife you watch becomes the food you eat. In Tourism naturally conference 2016. Alghero, Italy. October 2016.

Larm, M., Elmhagen, B., Angerbjörn, A. & Granquist, S.M. (2016). Mutual relationships between tourism and arctic fox conservation. In Tourism naturally conference 2016. Alghero, Italy. October 2016.

Granquist, S.M. (2016). Research on seal ecology in Iceland, Coastal seal working group. In Nammco. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2016.

Granquist, S.M. (2015). Seals and People: Balancing the sustainability of wildlife tourism in rural Iceland. Lecture at the Icelandic Seal Center for visiting students from the University of British Columbia. Hvammstangi, Iceland. May 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M., Burns, G.L. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Codes of Conduct for Seal Watching: An investigation of guidelines for human behavior. In 24th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2015.

Marschall, S., Granquist, S.M. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Interpretation in Wildlife Tourism: Assessing the effectiveness of signage to modify visitor behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland. In 24th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2015.

Granquist, S.M. (2015). Effects of wildlife watching tourism on Arctic marine mammals, with a special note on harbour seal watching in Iceland. In Nammco symposium. Copenhagen, Denmark. October 2015.

Granquist, S.M. & Hauksson, E. (2014). Human-Seal Interrelations in Iceland- Ecology and ethology of current seal populations. In Human seal interactions- Workshop. Stockholm, Sweden. November 2016.

Burns, G.L & Granquist, S.M. (2014). Codes of Conduct: Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas. In The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV). Tallinn, Estonia. August 2014.

Granquist, S.M. (2014). Seal watching in Iceland: who is watching whom? In The 10th Ecology & Behaviour conference. Montpellier, France. May 2014.

Nilsson, P.Å (2014). From Dingoes to Seals: Exploring the Ethics of Managing Wildlife Tourism. Department Seminar at Telemark University College. Bø, Norway. February 2014.

Burns, L. (2014). Human-Seal Interrelations in Northern Europe: Cultural values and perceptions. Human-Seal Interrelations. Exploratory workshops on faunal history and exploitation of seals in Northern Europe at Stockholm University. Stockholm, Sweden. November 2014.

Burns, L. & Granquist, S.M. (2014). Codes of conduct: Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas. Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Tallin, Estonia. August 2014.

Burns, L. (2014). Animals and Tourism: An ethical scrutiny of relationships between tourists and wildlife. Invited lecture at University of Veterinary Medicine. Vienna, Austria. July 2014.

Granquist, S.M. (2012). The impact of tourists on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. In The bloodbath, Tovetorps forkarstation. Stockholm, Sweden. November 2012.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2011). Wilderness tourism- a matter of interdisciplinary concern? -A case of interaction between harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and tourists at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. In Sustainable tourism conference 2011: Relationships in sustainable tourism development. Savonlinna, Finland. October 2011.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H., Thorhallsdóttir, A.G., Hafthorsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M. (2010). Interactions between herd keeping stallions in a big enclosure. In The 44th International Society of Applied Ethology Conference. Uppsala, Sweden. August 2010.

Granquist, S.M. (2010). Interaction between seals and tourists at the Vatnsnes peninsula. In TheWild North partner meeting. Súðavík, Iceland. October 2010.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Harmony between man and nature –  Interaction between Seals and Tourists at Vatnsnes Peninsula. In The 19th Nordic Symposium in Tourism Research. Akureyri, Iceland. September 2010.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Harmony between man and nature: The case of seal watching at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. In Solutions on harmonizing sustainability and nature protection with socio-economic stability. Valmiera, Latvia. August 2010.

Nilsson, P. Å., Granquist, S.M. & Víglundsdóttir, H.Ý. (2010). The Wild North -– network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the arctic region. In Tourism, people and Protected Areas in Polar Wilderness. 2nd International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference. Abisko, Sweden. June 2010.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). The effect of tourists on the behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)? In The Wild North partner meeting. Færeyjar, Iceland. October 2009.

Granquist, S.M. (2008). How do tourists affect the behaviour of the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)? In The Wild North – Partner meeting. Húsavík, Iceland. December 2008.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M. (2008). Social structure and interactions within groups of horses containing a stallion. In International Equine Science Meeting. Regensburg, Germany. October 2008.

Talks at national conferences

Burns, G.L. (2015). Rural Tourism: Lessons from, and for, Iceland. In Departmental Seminar, Hólar University College, Hólar, Iceland. December 2015.

Burns, G.L. & Haraldsdóttir, L. (2015). Valuing Landscape: A perspective from tourism. In Þjóðarspegillinn: Conference on Social Sciences. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2015.

Burns, G.L. (2015). Seals and Tourists in Iceland: Interdisciplinary perspectives towards holistic understandings of wildlife tourism. In Tourism in the Arctic Workshop. Iceland. June 2015.

Granquist, S.M. (2015). Þverfaglegar rannsóknir á náttúrulífsferðamennsku: Jafnvægi verndunar íslenskra sela og hagnýtingar þeirra við selaskoðun. Vísindi og grautur, Hólar University Collage. Hólar, Iceland. March 2015.

Granquist, S.M. & Sigurjónsdóttir, H. (2014). Seal watching in Iceland; Who is watching whom? Landsýn-vísindaþing landbúnaðarins. Hvanneyri, Iceland. March 2014.

Burns, G.L. (2014). Ethically managing wildlife tourism in Iceland. Þjóðarspegillinn XV: Conference on Social Sciences. Reykjavik, Iceland. October 2014.

Burns, G.L. (2014). Coding the Future: using codes of conduct to manage wildlife tourism in Iceland. In 8th Conference on Icelandic society at Hólar University College. Hólar, Iceland. May 2014.

Burns, G.L. (2014). Animals as Tourism Objects: Ethically Refocusing the relationships between tourists and wildlife. In Landsyn Conference. Hvanneyri, Iceland, March 2014.

Burns, G.L. (2013). Tourism, Anthropology and Me: the road to Holar. Departmental Seminar at Holar University College. Hólar, Iceland. October 2014.

Granquist, S.M. (2011). Selarannsóknir við Selasetur Íslands. Hádegisfyrirlestur í Háskóla Íslands. Reykjavík, Iceland.May 2011.

Nilsson, P.Å. (2011). Back movers and in movers. A study of back migration flows into small societies over time. Department of Geography at Holar University College. Hólar, Iceland. 2011.

Granquist, S.M & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Samvera sela og ferðamanna á Vatnsnesi- hver er að skoða hvern? [Seals and tourists on Vatnsnes peninsula- who is watching whom?]. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M. (2010). Hegðun hrossa í Húnavatnssýslum. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Granquist, S.M. (2010). Rannsóknir á áhrif laxfiska í árósum. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. Gauksmýri, Iceland. April 2010.

Granquist, S.M & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Interaction between seals and tourists at Vatnsnes Peninsula – who is watching who? Fræðaþings landbúna ðarins. Reykjavik, Iceland. 2010.

Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Tourism and landscape. Without destination. Reykjavik, Iceland. 2010.

Nilsson, P.Å. (2009). Access to nature – for whom. In Introduction lecture at Holar University College Áhrif ferðamanna á seli [The effect of tourists on seals]. Presentation on the opening ceremony of the Research department of The Icelandic Seal Center. Hvammstangi, Iceland. April 2009.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). Áhrif sela á laxastofna [The effect of seals on salmonid populations]. In Presentation on the Annual general meeting of the Institute for Freshwater Fisheries. Reykjavík, Iceland. April 2009.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). Selarannsóknir á Hvammstanga [Seal research in Hvammstangi]. In Symposium of Icelandic mammalogists at The Agricultural University of Iceland. Hvanneyri, Iceland. April 2009.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). The Wild North og áhrif sela á laxastofna [The Wild North and the effect of seals on salmonid populations]. In Presentation on Þekkingarþing Norðurlands vestra [Research symposium for the North West of Iceland]. Skagaströnd, Iceland. May 2009.

Granquist, S.M., Sigurjónsdóttir, H., Þórhallsdóttir, A.G. & Hafþórsdóttir, H.A. (2009). Samskipti stóðhesta [Interactions between Stallions]. In Líffræðiráðstefnu í Öskju [Biological conference at The University of Iceland]. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2009.

Þórhallsdóttir, A.G., Hafþórsdóttir, H.M., Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M. (2009). Heimasvæði og tímanotkun íslenskra stóðhesta [Habitat- and time use of icelandic stallions]. In Líffræðiráðstefna. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2009.

Posters (National and international)

Granquist, S. M., Esparza-Salas, R., Hauksson, E., Karlsson, O., Jónsdóttir, I. G. and Angerbjörn, A. 2018. What’s on the menu? Prey consumption of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) assessed by DNA metabarcoding and morphological analysis. VistIs 2018. Reykjavík, Iceland.

Burns, L., Marschall, S. & Granquist, S.M. (2016). I Saw The Sign: Modifying visitor behaviour at a Seal Watching Site. Wildlife Tourism Australia workshop. Binna Burra, Australia. September 2016.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Watching or whaling, sealing or seeing: Tourist perception of marine mammal hunting and watching in Iceland. Líffræðiráðstefnan. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M., Burns, G.L. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Seal watching management: Codes of conduct as a management tool for conservation. Líffræðiráðstefnan. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Managing Seal Watching: An investigation of codes of conduct for tourist behaviour. 24th Nordic Symposium on Hospitality and Tourism, Iceland. Þjóðarspegillinn: Conference on Social Sciences. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2015.

 Marschall, S. & Granquist, S.M. (2015?). I Saw The Sign: Modifying visitor behaviour at a Seal Watching Site. Þjóðarspegillinn XV: Conference on Social Sciences. Reykjavik, Iceland. October 2015.

 Lewis, P.  Smart, J. & Jones, D. (2014). Human Coyote Co-existence and Innovative Management Options: A case study in the city of Boulder, CO, USA. ISAZ 2014 – Animals and Humans Together: Integration in Society in University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. July 2014.

 Burns, G.L. (2014). Animals and Tourism: An ethical scrutiny of relationships between tourists and wildlife. ISAZ 2014 – Animals and Humans Together: Integration in Society at University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. July 2014.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Watching or whaling, sealing or seeing: Tourist perception of marine mammal hunting and watching in Iceland. Líffræðiráðstefnan. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M., Burns, G.L. & Angerbjörn, A. (2015). Seal watching management: Codes of conduct as a management tool for conservation. Líffræðiráðstefnan. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M, Angerbjörn, A. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Managing seal watching: An investigation of codes of conduct for tourist behavior. Þjóðarspegilinn. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2015.

Öqvist, E.L., Granquist, S.M., Angerbjörn, A. & Burns, G.L. (2015). Seal Watching: An Investigation of Code of Conducts. VIIth European Congress of Mammalogy. Stockholm, Sweden. August 2015.

Marschall, S., Burns, G.L., & Granquist, S.M. (2014). I saw the sign -How effective is signage on modifying tourist behaviour? Þjóðarspegilinn-  Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XV. Reykjavík, Iceland. October 2014.

Granquist, S.M. & Sigurjónsdóttir, H. (2014). Who´s watching who? The impact of tourism on the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Nordic Oikos meeting. Stockholm, Sweden. February 2014.

Granquist, S.M. & Nilsson, P.Å. (2010). Interactions Between Seals and Tourists at Vatnsnes peninsula-who´s watching whom? Fræðaþingi Landbúnaðarins [Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress 2009]. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2010.

Granquist, S.M, Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Thorhallsdóttir, A.G. (2010). Do stallions affect the nature of interactions between their own harem members? The 44th International Society of Applied Ethology Conference. Uppsala, Sweden. August 2010.

Granquist, S.M., Sigurjonsdottir, H. & Thorhallsdottir, A.G. (2009). Félagshegðun hrossa í stóðhestahólfum [Social behaviour of horses in groups including a stallion]. Fræðaþing landbúnaðarins [Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress 2009]. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2009.

Granquist, S.M. (2009). Selarannsóknir við Vatnsnesi í Húnaþingi vestra [Seal research on Vatnsnes peninsula in Húnaþingi vestra]. Hafráðstefnu [The Ocean and Marine Organisms- a symposium]. Reykjavík, Iceland. February 2009.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H., Granquist, S.M & Þórhallsdóttir, A.G. (2009). Félagshegðun hrossa í hópum með stóðhestum [The social behaviour of horses in harems with a stallion]. Rannís málþingi [The Icelandic center for research- a symposium]. Reykjavík, Iceland. 2009.

Granquist, S.M. Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Þórhallsdóttir A.G. (2009). Hafa stóðhestar hamlandi áhrif á samskipti hrossanna innan síns hóps? [Do stallions suppress interactions of their own harem members?]. Líffræðiráðstefnu í Öskju [Biological conference atThe University of Iceland]. Reykjavík, Iceland. November 2009.

Granquist, S.M & Sigurjónsdóttir, H. (2008). Do stallions suppress interactions within their own harems? Social relationships in groups of horses with stallions. In 4th meeting of ecology and ethology. Tolouse, France. April 2008.

Sigurjónsdóttir, H. & Granquist, S.M (2008). The effect of horse stallions on social interactions within their own harems. In 12th International behaviour ecology congress at Cornell University. Ithaca, USA. August 2008.