Jessica Faustini Aquino – Birtingarlisti

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Chauvat, C., Granquist, S. M., and Aquino, J. (2023). Gender Difference in Biospheric Values and Opinions on Nature Management Actions: The Case of Seal Watching in Iceland. Ocean & Coastal Management, 235(15 March 2023), 106483.   

Aquino, J. F., & Andereck, K. (2022). Stakeholder Perceptions of Volunteer Tourism Community Impact. In preparation for International Journal of Tourism Cities, special issue, Tourism Cities in Latin America: Issues, trends and innovation in urban tourism. 

Aquino, J. (2022). Teaching wildlife tourism management: reflections on culture, nature, and wildlife. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 22(1), 68–89. 

Cécile Marie Chauvat, Jessica Aquino & Sandra Magdalena Granquist (2021):
Visitors’ values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1995395

Aquino, J.F., Burns, G.L and Granquist, S.M. (2021). A Responsible Framework for Managing Wildlife Watching Tourism. Ocean and coastal management. 210(11):105670 

Aquino, J.F. (2019). Being in nature together: Photovoice of an Icelandic youth nature club. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research15(2), 58-67. (Link to full text)

Aquino, J. F., & Andereck, K. (2018). Volunteer tourists’ perceptions of their impacts on marginalized communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(11), 1967-1983. (Full Text)

Aquino, J., Phillips, R., & Sung, H. (2012). Tourism, culture, and the creative industries: Reviving distressed neighborhoods with arts-based community tourism. Tourism, Culture & Communication, 12(1), 5–18. (Full text)

White, D. D., Aquino, J. F., Budruk, M., & Golub, A. (2011). Visitors’ experiences of traditional and alternative transportation in Yosemite National Park. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 29(1), 38–57. (Full text)


Aquino, J. F., & Burns, G. L. (2021). Creative Tourism: The Path to a Resilient Rural Icelandic Community. In Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities: Place, Culture, and Local Representation. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. (Full text)

Birtingar í ráðstefnuriti

Kaiser, B., Huijbens, E., Aquino, J., Horbel, C., Reigner, N., Maher, P., Menezes, D. R., Turner, J. (2019, Mars). Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic: Proceedings and Analysis. Workshop in Northern Iceland. London, United Kingdom.

White, D. D., & Aquino, J. F. (2015). Park-Related Tourism. Presented at the 106th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2015. In M. Kuby, & A. Golub (Eds.),  Spring 2015 Town Hall Background Report: Transportation and Arizona (pp. 63-64). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. (Full text)

White, D. D., & Aquino, J. F. (2009). Transportation issues in national parks. Presented at the 94th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2009. In M. Kuby, & A. Golub (Eds.)  From here to there: Transportation opportunities for Arizona (pp. 107-115). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. (Full text)

Fyrirlestrar á alþjóðlegum ráðstefnum

Atladóttir, O. Ý., Aquino, J., Falter, M., Sigurjónsdóttir, Á. K. (2022) Nordic Regenerative Tourism (NorReg): The Importance of Local Place and Identity Within a Common Value System. In Creative tourism, Regenerative Development and Destination Resilience. 8-10 November, Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal.

Burns, G. L., Aquino, J., and Granquist, S. M. (2022). Proposing an Ethical Management Framework for Wildlife Tourism Activities: Stakeholder Participation in Seal Watching in Iceland. In the 30th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research. 26-29 September, Porvoo, Finland.

Chauvat, C., Aquino, J. and Granquist, S.M. (2021). Analyzing visitors’ values and perceptions to inform management at seal watching sites in northwestern Iceland. The UK Polar Early Career Conference. Online conference 5-6 May 2021. Presenting author: C. Chauvat.

Aquino, J. F., & Einarsdóttir, A.V. (2018, September 24-26). Interpretation, Communication, and Rural Tourism Community Development: Can Interpretation be used as a strategy for sustainability? Fyrirlestur á 27th Nordic Symposium on Tourism Implications and Dilemmas. UiT, Alta, Norway

Aquino, J. F., Burns, G. L., and Granquist, S. M. (2018, Ágúst 28-31). Seal Watching in Iceland: A Framework for Ethical Management. Fyrirlestur á MMV9: International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Bordeaux, France.

Aquino, J. F. (2018, Júní 3-6). Environmental Education, Nature-Based Recreation, and Responsible Community Development: An Icelandic and Swedish Youth Nature Club Perspective. Fyrirlestur á TEFI10 Knowing with Nature—The Future of Tourism Education in the Anthropocene. Pyhä, Finland.

Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2012). NGOs and volunteer tourism: A look at volunteer tourism in favela (slum) communities of Rio de Janeiro.  Fyrirlestur á Association for Research on Non-profit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Aquino, J., Andereck, K., & Costa, H. A. (2012) Perceived impacts of volunteer tourism in favelas of Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Through the eyes of the tourists.  Fyrirlestur á IX Seminário da Associação Nacional Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2012). Sustainable tourism: A look at volunteer tourism in favela communities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fyrirlestur á Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Student Research Symposium (and 8th Symposium for TTRA). Virginia Beach, VA, USA.

Aquino, J., Phillips, R., & Sung, H. (2012). Tourism, culture, and the creative industries: Reviving distressed neighborhoods with arts-based community tourism. Paper presented by co-authors Rhonda Phillips and Erika Sung at the University of the West Indies 2nd International Tourism Conference, St. Augustine, Trinidad.

Aquino, J., & Andereck, K. (2011). Perceived effects of volunteer tourism in Rio de Janeiro’s favela community of Rocinha:  Working toward best practice in sustainable tourism. Fyrirlestur á Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Student Research Symposium (and 7th Symposium for TTRA). London, Ontario, Canada.

Aquino, J. F., White, D. D., & Meldrum, B. (2008). The Freedom to Stay in My Car: Visitors Experience and the Transportation System in Yosemite National Park. Fyrirlestur á International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Burlington, VT, USA.

Fyrirlestrar á íslenskum ráðstefnum

Aquino, J. (2022). Using Placed-based Projects in Creating Connections Between Youth and Nature. In the Arctic Circle Assembly. 13-16 October, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Aquino, J. F., Granquist, S. M., and Burns, G. L. (2018, Október 26). Developing a framework for responsible wildlife tourism. Fyrirlestur á Þjóðarspegilinn 2018: Responsible Tourism in Arctic Seascapes (ReSea). Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavik, Ísland. Fyrirlesari: Jessica Faustini Aquino.

Granquist, S. M. & Aquino, J. F. (2018). Effects of seal watching activities on harbour seal behaviour: The importance of interdisciplinary management approaches. Fyrirlestur á Þjóðarspegilinn 2018: Responsible Tourism in Arctic Seascapes (ReSea). Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavik, Ísland. Fyrirlesari: Sandra M. Granquist.

Aquino, J. F. & Andereck, K. (2018, Júní 19-22). Non-Profit Organizations’ Perceived Impacts of International Volunteering Efforts on Marginalized Communities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fyrirlestur á EURAM18: Research in Action. Reykjavik, Ísland.

Aquino, J. and Granquist, S.M. (2017, Október). Seal Watching Tourism in the Vatnsnes Peninsula: Identifying the Need for Future Management Actions. Fyrirlestur á 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism Destinations. Reykjavík, Ísland.

Aquino, J. F. (2017). Adapting Whetten’s tips for effective course design: A case study. Fyrirlestur á Kennsluþróunarráðstefnuna Háskóla Íslands. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Aðrir fyrirlestrar

Aquino, J. (2022) Measuring Social Regenerative Practices and Community Wellbeing. Presentation at the Nordic Regenerative Tourism for a Better Tomorrow. 29 November, Malmö, Sweden.

Aquino, J. F. (2018). Lunch Lecture Series: Seal Watching and the Vatnsnes Peninsula. Fyrirlestur í University College of Southeast Norway. Erasmus+ Staff Exchange.

Aquino, J. F. (2018). Lecture on Wildlife Tourism Management from a Community Capitals Perspective, in the course “Nature, Culture, and Guiding.” Fyrirlestur í University College of Southeast Norway. Erasmus+ Staff Exchange.

Aquino, J. F. (2018). The Icelandic Seal Center. Presentation for biology students. Fyrirlestur í University College of Southeast Norway. Erasmus+ Staff Exchange.

Aquino, J. F. (2016). Volunteer Tourism and the Community’s Voice: The Social Representations of Favela Communities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fyrirlestur í Rannsóknamiðstöð Ferðamála (Icelandic Tourism Research Centre) micro-conference: Í ódýrri ævintýraleit – sjálfboðaliðar og störf í íslenskri ferðaþjónustu (Searching for cheap adventures – volunteers and jobs in Icelandic tourism). Reykjavík, Ísland.

Aquino, J. F. (2016). Developing a Research Agenda. Fyrirlestur á Ránnsóknadegi hjá Háskólan Hólum. Sauðárkrókur, Ísland.

Aquino, J. F. (2012). Turismo Sustentável: Turismo voluntário nas favelas de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Fyrirlestur fyrir do Laboratório de Estudos em Turismo e Sustentabilidade, Centro de Excelência em Turismo. Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasil.

Aquino, J. F. (2011). Volunteer Tourism: A Debate. Fyrirlestur á Lecture series at Fundação Getulio Vargas com o Laboratório de Estudos do Turismo, Esporte e Lazer; do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Aquino, J. F. (2011). Volunteer Tourism in Rio de Janeiro: Voluntários Sejam Bem-Vindos! Fyrirlestur á 3rd Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J. F. (2011). NGOs, Volunteer Tourism, and Community Development: A case study of the favela community of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Fyrirlestur í College of Public Programs Doctoral Student Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J. F., & Andereck, K. (2011). Efeitos Percebidos do Turismo e do Voluntariado na Favela da Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro: Trabalhar para as melhores práticas em turismo sustentável. Fyrirlestur fyrir University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil.  

Aquino, J. F. (2009). Has risk management killed free play? Fyrirlestur á 1st Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium. Phoenix, AZ.

Lee, S., Aquino, J. F., Plunkett, D., Knopf, R., & Paris, C. (2009). Living united: from classroom to community. Fyrirlestur á 1st Annual School of Community Resource and Development Graduate Research Symposium. Phoenix, AZ.

Aquino, J. F., White, D. D., Bacon, J., & Meldrum, B. (2007). Determining visitor attitudes toward alternative transportation in Yosemite National Park: Implications for indicators and standards. Veggspjald á International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Park City, Utah.

Faglegar Rannsóknaskýrslur

(* merkir rithöfundur sem unnu jafnmikið á ritinu)

Walter, S, Aquino, J, Sigurðsson, PL. Advisory Report: Resident Survey 2022. Sauðárkrókur, Iceland: Hólar University. (Link to full text)

Aquino, J. F. (2019). Icelandic Culture and Nature. KA1: Youth Exchange. Final Report. Skýrsla til Erasmus+. Sauðárkrókur, Ísland: Háskólinn á Hólum. (Link to full text)

Phillips, R., Aquino, J., Lee, S., Plunkett, D. (2010). 2010 Hatcher Road Economic Development Plan. Report for the Desert Mission Neighborhood Renewal and the Hatcher Road Subcommittee. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.

*Aquino, J. & Biaett, V. (2010). Working Together: A qualitative analysis of the Arizona Be Outdoors Movement. Skýrsla til Be Outdoors Arizona. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.

Knopf, R., Aquino, J., Lee, S. and Plunkett, D. (2009). Valley of the Sun United Way: Improving the Health and Safety of Valley Neighborhoods. Skýrsla til Valley of the Sun United Way. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.

White, D. D. & Aquino, J. F. (2008). Visitor perspectives toward transportation issues in Yosemite National Park. Skýrsla til Yosemite National Park. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.

White, D. D., van Riper, C. J., Wodrich, J., Aquino, J., & McKinney C. (2007). Canyon de Chelly National Monument Visitor Study Final Technical Report. (Skýrsla til National Park Service). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.

Johnson, J., Rice, K., & Aquino, J. (2007). Subcontract for USFWS Section 6 Status Report on Muhlenbergia xerophila and Muhlenbergia dubioides. Skýrsla til U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Phoenix, AZ: Desert Botanical Garden.

Aðrar Birtingar

Aquino, J. (2022). What Does a Responsible Framework for Managing Wildlife Watching Tourism Look Like? The Case of Seal Watching in Iceland. Wildlife Tourism Australia: Promoting the Sustainable Development of a Diverse Wildlife Tourism Industry that Supports Conservation. (Lesa meira)