Resident Survey in Húnaþing vestra

Sarah Walter, a summer student at the Icelandic Seal Center, is conducting a population survey as part of her internship in collaboration with Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

Through this survey, we would like to learn more about how the community of Húnaþing vestra (HV) feels about tourism development in the area and what tourism products they would like to see in the future.

It will take approximately ten minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary but all help is very much appreciated. Your information will be anonymous.

Click here to participate in the English – note, this is only for residents living in the Húnaþingi vestra.

Thank you very much for your time and support
Sarah Walter

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Athugið að könnunin er aðeins fyrir íbúa Húnaþings vestra.