Aim and Scope of the Open Lecture Series:
The Icelandic Seal Center would like to introduce the continuation of the Open Lecture Series at the Icelandic Seal Museum. As part of the Seal Center’s mission in research and education, the Open Lecture Series focuses on Lifelong Learning, acknowledging its vital role in sustainability and community development. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Lifelong Learning as a Sustainable Development Goal is integrally linked to other such goals. Continuing the Open Lecture Series is the ISC’s way of heeding the call to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” (UN 2016). The aim of the Open Lecture Series is to highlight local work in the North of Iceland and will include presentations from local researchers, educators, and artists guided by the theme: Nature.
The ISC’s Open Lecture Series will be held on the first Thursday of each month.
If you would like to give a presentation at the Icelandic Seal Museum, please send a title, abstract (100-200 words), and a photo to Jessica(at) and it will be considered for the 2021-2022 season.
Schedule 2021
Monday evening, August 23 (postponed)
We start our autumn semester with two lectures on Monday evening, August 23rd. This time it will be our scientists this summer, Brontë Harris from England and Laura Redaelli from Italy who will give the following lectures:
Laura will give the lecture: “ Sleeping between land and sea: the unusual form of sleep in pinniped “.

Bronte will give the lecture: “ Exploring Behavioral Variation in Common Shore Crabs (Carcinus meanas) in response to their environment “.

The lectures will be in English and start at 20 in the exhibition hall of the Seal Museum by the harbor. Coffee and chocolates will be offered.
October 7, 2021
Zoé Drion, an intern from Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liège), Belgium.
November 4, 2021
Eric dos Santos, Researcher, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute and Icelandic Seal Center
December 2, 2021
Dr. Jessica F. Aquino, Assistant Professor, Department of Rural Tourism, Hólar University, and Head of Tourism Research at the Icelandic Seal Center