About us

Selasetur Íslands
Selasetur Íslands

Selasetur Íslands / Icelandic Seal Center
Strandgata 1 and Höfðabraut 6
Phone:   +354 451 2345

The Icelandic Seal Center (ISC) is today, a museum, souvenir store, information and research center.  Icelandic Seal center is in Hvammstangi in peninsula Vatnsnes.

Icelandic Seal Center was orginally established on the 29th of April 2005 and are owned by the community.. The founders are a group of individuals interested in further reinforcement of sustainable tourism in Húnaþing vestra region. 

In the beginning there were 74 founding shareholders, individuals, associations, and companies, they are now 79. Icelandic Seal center is financed with capital stock, self-funding, and grants.

On the 10th of November 2005 The Icelandic Seal Center was awarded, by the North Icelandic Tourism Association, as the “Most interesting innovation in North Icelandic Tourism 2005”.  The center has also received great support both locally and nationally, from individuals, companies, organizations, and associations.

Icelandic Seal Museum and Information center was opened on 26 June 2006.  In tourist information, travelers can get general information about accommodation and activities in the Húnaþing area and buy souvenirs and crafts from Húnaþing area and museum souvenirs.

The guests of honor at the opening ceremony were Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Fisheries, and Sturla Böðvarsson, Minister of Transport, who formally opened the Seal Center.

About 300 guest
Sturla Böðvarsson, Minister of Transport

Why Icelandic Seal Center in Hvammstangi, Vatnsnes

  • One of the most accessible cellars in Northern Europe
  • “Accessibility for all” was one of the first aims of tourism
  • Many seals in a relatively small area
  • A tradition of seal watching since the middle of the last century

Location and facilities

In 2005 the Icelandic Seal Center bought the first two floors of the storied building VSP in Brekkugötu 2, Hvammstangi. The VSP house, or Verslun Sigurðar Pálmasonar (The shop of Sigurður Pálmason).  In 2012 the museum and info center moved to its current location in Strandgata 1, on the harbor front in Hvammstangi, and our distinctive red gable can be seen from far and wide. The VSP building was sold in 2018 and the offices were moved to Höfðabraut 6.

The Great Seal Count 2007

Started in the summer of 2007 with volunteers, who walked more than 75km of coastline on Vatnsnes and counted seals. In the summer of 2008 Heggstadanes were added and now the walk is about 100 km of coastline.

Outdoor exhibition 2008

Wooden objects after Gudjon Kristinsson from Drangar.  In the summer of 2008, these beautiful wooden objects by Guðjón Kristinsson from Drangar came to the outdoor exhibition of the Seal center in Brekkugata. These are carved seals and ghosts as well as a balance tube and a small wooden boat.

The research department was established in November 2008

Two expert positions. Per Åke Nilsson specialist in nature-related tourism and regional development. Common position with Hólaskóli. Sandra M. Granquist, Seal Research Specialist, a joint position with Veiðimálastofnun. Funding secured for 3 years (Northwest Committee).