The purpose of The Icelandic Seal Center (ISC) is to support scientific work on seals and their ecosystems in the immediate environment, to promote the dissemination of information and education about seals in Iceland to locals, schoolchildren, students and tourists. Sustainability is the foundation of all ISC work and the center’s goal is to promote the growth and maintenance of the seal population in Iceland, and not least around the Vatnsnes peninsula.
This policy outlines the ISC policy on sustainability within the environment, society and governance.

ISC shall always treat nature and the environment with respect and with sustainability in mind. This will be done internally by minimizing energy consumption, waste and considering the role of all inputs and waste in the circular economy. All use of chemicals, air pollutants and other substances that may be harmful to nature, such as pesticides, cleaning agents or synthetic fertilizers, shall be limited.
ISC shall contribute to a better understanding of nature, and particularly the seal ecosystem, the immediate surroundings of ISC and the coexistence of humans and nature. This shall be done by supporting scientific research on the seal and its ecosystem, by disseminating information to tourists who visit the seal area or are interested in learning about it, and by disseminating information to school groups and students.
ISC shall work systematically to obtain sustainable certification and to steadily reduce its carbon footprint until carbon neutrality has been achieved. ISC energy consumption, water consumption, waste volume and carbon footprint shall be measured annually.

ISC is a part of the community of Hvammstangi and has responsibilities towards it. We will always strive to have a good dialogue with the local community, open to collaboration in different areas as appropriate, employ locals when possible and make a positive impact on the community.
ISC main role is to disseminate information to the community, both locals and tourists, increase their understanding of the role of seals in the ecosystem as well as in society both in the past and in the future, and encourage all its guests to treat both the seals and nature as a whole with respect and care, and to contribute to its sustainability in any way possible.
ISC will make every effort to support the development of sustainable tourism in the local community.
The foundation of ISC work is its employees. It must always be ensured that employees work in a good and healthy working environment, are treated with respect and without prejudice, and that their terms of employment are in accordance with applicable labor market agreements at any time, such as working hours, facilities, benefits, and minimum age. Employees must be empowered through information sharing and opportunities to acquire and share knowledge.
The management of ISC must always be based on honesty, transparency, and strong ethics, good governance, and respect for the law and values of society. There must always be a risk assessment for ISC operations and a response plan for potential crises.
ISC does not tolerate prejudice, harassment, or bullying of any kind. ISC is a workplace that offers equal opportunities and does not discriminate between people based on age, gender, disability, origin, or religion.