The best places for seal watching on the Vatnsnes penisula are:
Both areas offer you a different perspective and experience of both the seals and the wonderful nature and landscape of the area.
For the best seal watching it is important to arrive at the seal watching areas within two hours of low tide (from 2 hours before until 2 hours after low tide). You will see more seals hauled out on rocks and beaches at this time, especially if there is not a lot of wind and rain/snow. Also, always be on the look-out for seals (and whales) in the water, as they spend the majority of their time swimming. For today’s tide times click HERE and for a 7-day forecast of tides for the area, click HERE. For a weather forecast, click HERE.
Please follow the Code Of Conduct when going out to watch seals. This code was developed in order to provide people with the best seal watching opportunities and to protect the seals from unnecessary stress and harm. Remember that you are entering their home and they are not pets but wild animals.
Also, please do not fly drones as seals can be very afraid of them.
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